Using Emacs 51

Mike Zamansky had a few minutes free in his busy fall schedule so he recorded and posted another video in his Using Emacs series. This time he discusses how he uses Org Mode in his day-to-day work.

If you’ve been around Org for any time at all, you’ve probably heard the advice to start small and just use one or two of the basic functions. Zamansky’s video underlines that advice but from the point of view of an expert. Although he can and does use Org Mode’s advanced features all the time for all sorts of tasks, most of his day-to-day use just involves the basics of TODO lists, notes, capture templates, and agendas.

The main lesson to take from this video is not necessarily Zamansky’s particular workflow but how much of his daily work gets done using just the basic Org functionality. That should be comforting to n00bs might despair that Org mode is just too complicated to use.

The video is 21 and a quarter minutes so plan accordingly.

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