I’ve written at length about so called “tech addiction” and why I don’t believe there is such a thing—at least not for the vast majority of people not already suffering from psychological disabilities. It makes no difference. We continue to see article after article assuring us that the problem is real and that something must be done.
Having a nasty, suspicious mind, I’ve long suspected that someone is trying to sell us snake oil. Now an article from Loupventures make this explicit: Solving Tech Addiction Is an Underappreciated Market Opportunity. Loupventures is an investment firm so they probably aren’t selling snake oil themselves but they do recognize that there’s money to be made.
As far as I can see, those pushing the tech addiction meme are either clueless journalists looking to fill today’s 500 word slot or someone with something to sell. Don’t take my word for it; read what psychologist Christopher J. Ferguson has to say. When you do, you’ll notice that the Loupventures article starts with assuming most of the myths that Ferguson debunks.
The people pushing this meme are beyond tiresome and I wish they’d stop.