Emacs 26.1 Is Out

Nico Petton tweets the good news:

I’ve already downloaded, compiled, and installed it and am writing this with the new version.

If you’re on macOS, here’s my recipe for the compilation and installation:

configure --with-ns CFLAGS="-g3 -O2 -I /usr/local/include/libxml2"
make install
make install-info
sudo mv nextstep/Emacs.app/ /Applications/Emacs.app

The last time I installed Emacs, the last step in the recipe was

sudo cp -R nextstep/Emacs.app/ /Applications/

but this time macOS complained so I used the mv instead.

If you’ve got macOS set to not run “unknown applications” and get an error message when you try to run it, follow these directions.

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