SSH Tips

If you’re reading Irreal, the chances are that you’re also a frequent SSH user. Very often it’s because you have to log into servers or development boxes at work. I use it even at home to log into remote or local machines and, of course, for remote repositories.

One of the things that can be really annoying about using SSH, is remembering the domain and host names (which in some situations can even be an IP address) and dealing with the passwords. Happily, both of these problems are easily solved and Ivan Zinovyev tells you how.

Even better, Zinovyev gives you three other tips for making your SSH experience better. If you have long running (remote) applications or several connections to the same machine, Zinovyev shows you how to keep the session alive, even if the underlying connection goes down. He also shows you how to reuse a single SSH connection for multiple sessions.

None of this is hard and involves only a few additions to your ~/.ssh/config file, which you probably already have. If you’re using SSH, you should definitely take a look at Zinovyev’s post.

UPDATE [2018-05-10 Thu 18:41]: .sshr/config.ssh/config

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