Happy Birthday Irreal

Today is the 7th anniversary of Irreal as a WordPress blog1. Irreal started out as a way to make occasional posts about Scheme, Common Lisp, and a couple of other Lispy subjects. It’s evolved into a daily blog that considers a broad range of technical areas and, occasionally, a rant about privacy and government spying on its citizens.

A lot of readers think of Irreal as an Emacs blog, which isn’t surprising given that the majority of my posts are on Emacs. I didn’t expect that but I suppose it’s a logical outcome of my interest in Lisp and my yearning for a Lisp Machine-like environment.

As Irreal enters its eighth year, I expect things to stay pretty much the same: daily posts featuring a lot of Emacs, some Lisp, and the occasional venting of my fury about government surveillance abuses. If there’s something that you’d like to see me write about more, feel free to leave a comment.



The original Blogger version of Irreal started in 2009.

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