Zamansky 47: Magit

Mike Zamansky has added another great video to his Using Emacs Series.
This time it’s about Magit. Regular watchers of his videos have been
agitating for some time for Zamansky to do a video on Magit but he
resisted on the grounds that there were already lots of good resources
for Magit and that he didn’t know it that well. His demurral
notwithstanding, the video is likely to be useful to anyone who isn’t
already an expert Magit user.

One the parts I liked the best was his demonstration of using Magit
with GitHub. I hadn’t seen that covered anywhere else so it was nice
to see it in action. As you’d expect, it’s simple—simpler than you
probably expect. Once the GitHub and local repositories are linked,
you can work in either and just push or pull the changes as with any
other set of repositories.

The video covers most of the everyday features of Magit. The only
exception is dealing with merge conflicts, which Zamansky was hesitant
to cover because he doesn’t use those functions very often. Of course,
as Zamansky says at the beginning, there are lots of videos on Magit
that do cover these things.

The video is 18 minutes 42 seconds long so you’ll probably have to
schedule some time.

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