I’ve written about the community sourced Awesome Emacs before but it’s worth revisiting it because
- It’s really useful.
- It’s always being added to.
This time, I ignored the Table of Contents and just read down the list of packages and other goodies. Being crowd sourced, it offers an up-to-date list of Emacs resources that reflects a broad cross sections of interests and needs. For instance, it covers packages and modes for languages such as
- C/C++
- Python
- Ruby
- Common Lisp
- Scheme
- Clojure
- Elisp
- JavaScript
- CoffeScript
- TypeScript
- PureScript
- Java
- Go
- C#
- Rust
- Erlang
- Elixir
- Haskell
- Swift
- Scala
- Lua
- Groovy
- OCaml
- Nim
- D
- Elm
- Stan
The packages in each category are listed more or less in the order of popularity so you can get an idea of how useful others have found a particular package. I like the list because it’s an easy place to surf for new and useful packages. You can do that with something like MELPA, of course, but that list is so large it can be intimidating. If you haven’t seen the list, take a moment to browse through it; you may find something useful.