Abo-abo Screencast

Abo-abo has a new screencast up that demonstrates his refactoring workflow. Watch it and be amazed at how fast he navigates through his code. Part of the demonstration is the best non-trivial use of keyboard macros that I can remember.

I also learned something new: If you’re using swiper, it turns out that you can save the swiper list to another buffer and navigate through the original buffer from there. It works like occur and is, in fact, called ivy-occur. By default it’s bound to【Ctrl+c Ctrl+o】so you don’t have to do anything special to get it.

Actually, there’s a lot of useful functionality hidden away in swiper but you have to read the manual (or watch abo-abo’s screencasts) to discover it. In any event, take a look at the video. It’s informative even if you don’t use swiper. The video is just short of 10 minutes so scheduling shouldn’t be a problem.

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