If you’re a networking geek like me or if you write Elisp that uses the network to communicate with external sources, you may find cabledolphin useful. It captures network traffic to and from Elisp processes in a form that can be read and formatted by wireshark
or tcpdump
The data is captured at the application level so even if the network connection is encrypted, you can still see the data. The data is written to a file in pcapng (default) or pcap format. After capturing the data you use your favorite TCP line monitoring software to read it.
Since the data is captured at the application layer, the TCP headers have to be synthesized for wireshark
or tcpdump
so cabledolphin probably isn’t useful for troubleshooting actual network problems. Think of it as an aid in debugging Elisp applcations.
UPDATE Fixed misspellings of ‘cabledolphin’