Gnus Guide Update

After Sacha’s chat with John Wiegley that explored how Wiegley uses Gnus to manage his Emacs maintainer workflow, there’s been a bit of renewed interest from Emacsers in using it for their email client. Unfortunately, Gnus is a large and complex system that is difficult to set up and use. Back in 2014, I wrote about Chen Bin’s Gnus Guide.

The guide takes the pragmatic approach of covering the basic 5% of Gnus that a new user needs to get started. Now, just in time for the renewed Gnus interest, Chen Bin has has updated his guide. He also provides his configuration so you have a go-by if you want to set up your own instance.

The guide is oriented towards using Gmail as the server but it should be pretty easy to adapt to other providers. If you’ve been wanting to try Gnus but were put off by the difficulty of getting it set up, Chen Bin’s guide may be just what you need.

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