Seriously Paper Free

I’ve written before that I’m rigorous about avoiding paper, pens, and pencils. I’m pretty good about doing everything digitally but nowhere near as good as these guys. Their feat is even more impressive when you realize that they’re doing it in an office setting.

They waged a war on paper and essentially drove it completely from their office. At the end of the day anyone can dispose of any paper they see lying around whether or not it’s theirs. They moved the printer to a location so remote and inconvenient to the rest of the office that people stopped using it and they were able to get rid of it. They have a strict prohibition against signing paper contracts. So strict that the CEO was sentenced to a full day of customer support for signing a paper contract. The company also prohibits taking notes in notebooks in meetings. Instead, they bought each employee an iPad to take notes with.

As you can see, they are serious about doing without paper. So serious that they also got rid of the toilet paper. I’ll let you head on over to the post to see how they managed that.

As I found out when I first started trying to collect all my information digitally, it’s mostly a matter of culture and habit. At first it’s hard and seems limiting but soon you don’t notice the lack of paper and writing implements. Especially since everything is so easy to access and search for and you don’t have a bunch of documents waiting to be filed and taking up room once they are.

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