I recently came across an old but interesting interview of Carsten Dominik. The interview was by Randal Schwartz on his FLOSS Weekly Netcast back in September 2010. Despite its age, the netcast doesn’t seem dated at all.
Dominik is a very interesting and engaging guy. He makes you feel that you’d really enjoy sitting down with him and chatting over a beer. The interview is a 53 minutes long conversation (no demonstrations or code perusal) so you can almost feel as if you had that chance to chat.
Schwartz takes Dominik from the beginnings of Org Mode (a personal itch arising from some shortcomings of Outline Mode) up through the export system and finally to Babel. That’s pretty much where Org stands today so the age of the interview doesn’t matter very much.
You can really see Dominik’s enthusiasm for and love of Org Mode in his chat with Schwartz. He says he spends most of his day in it and uses it for just about everything. A few years before the interview Dominik thought that development on Org Mode was pretty much over; everything he could imagine for it was already in it. Then some new ideas came pouring in and they pretty much haven’t stopped.
If you’re not, yet, an Org Mode user, you might enjoy the video and get some idea of what it can do for you. It’s definitely worth an hour of your time.