VimGolf In Emacs 19 And A New Trick

Tim Visher has a new version of VimGolf in Emacs up. There are a couple of interesting things in this episode. First, Visher is working on a VimGolf minor mode that loads the challenge into Emacs and provides special functionality useful in working on VimGolf challenges. It’s still very early in the development process, but it’s already functional and looking very nice. Just the thing if you’re interested in joining the fun.

The second thing of interest in the video is a very efficient way of deleting the current line. We all know how to do this with 【Ctrl+a Ctrl+k Ctrl+k】 and probably use it several times a day. Visher’s discovery is that you can do this with a single (modified) keystroke by typing 【Ctrl+Shift+Backspace】. That’s a lot more efficient but will take, at least for me, some muscle memory retraining because 【Ctrl+a Ctrl+k Ctrl+k】 is second nature.

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