SBCL 1.1.12 Is Released

Version 1.1.12 of Steel Bank Common Lisp is out. As usual, compilation and installation on my OS X machines encountered no problems.

The new release features two enhancements (SOCKET-SHUTDOWN added, documentation for extensible sequences), two optimizations (EQUAL and EQUALP transforms are smarter and CHAR-EQUAL is faster for constant and base-char arguments), and a bunch of bug fixes (including getting SBCL to compile on Solaris x86-64). You can see the complete list on the NEWS page.

As always, I recommend SBCL to anyone looking for an excellent Lisp system. Combine it with Slime and you have the perfect Lisp “IDE.” I say perfect because Lisp is integrated into your normal editor1 in a natural way. You don’t have to learn a whole new editing system just to work with Lisp. I put IDE in scare quotes because, you know, Emacs users don’t need no strinkin’ IDEs.



SBCL is excellent even if you aren’t an Emacs user. The only problem is you won’t have slime although there are solutions for Vim users as well.

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