Org Mode Summary

I recently saw this Org-mode summary from the Linux Journal mentioned in a tweet. It’s pretty old—from 2007—but still serves as a useful introduction to some of Org-mode’s power. If you’ve never used Org-mode, this article will give you a feeling for what it can do.

The best introduction and go-by remains Bernt Hansen’s excellent Org Mode – Organize Your Life In Plain Text! It’s quite long but very comprehensive and Hansen considers it a work in progress so it’s always up to date. It’s the perfect follow on to the Linux Journal article. Of course, Org-mode comes with a comprehensive manual that covers everything in detail. There is also an compact Org-mode Guide that can serve as a sort of quick start manual, although I prefer Hansen’s guide.

With all this great documentation, there’s no excuse for not giving Org-mode a spin. Be warned though: it will insinuate its way into almost every aspect of your work flow.

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