
Pavel Penev has updated and republished his excellent post Learning Lisp The Bump Free Way. It’s a nice introduction to the problems that Lisp n00bs face and how to overcome them. If you know anyone struggling with learning Lisp, this is a good resource to point them to.

I learned something too: linedit. linedit is a readline-like library (written in CL) that brings greater editing functionality to the CL REPL. It’s got a lot of features that are detailed at the link so be sure to take a look if you ever use Lisp directly from the terminal. It appears to be (at least somewhat) SBCL-centric so users of other distributions may have varying results. It’s available from Quicklisp so installation is a snap. You add a couple of lines to your .sbclrc file to enable it and another line to your Emacs configuration to prevent it from interfering with Slime. The appropriate incantations are explained on the linedit site.

If you’re like me, you mostly use Lisp in conjunction with Slime but when I do use the terminal I always miss having basic line editing so linedit is a win for me.

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