More Multiple-Cursors Functionality

On his Emacs Rocks twitter feed, Magnor Sveen announced some useful additions to his multiple-cursors package. If you active regions with multiple-cursors you can now perform the following operations on them

  1. Reverse the lines in the regions
  2. Sort the regions
  3. Insert line numbers

He maps these to

Ctrl+~ Reverse regions
Meta+~ Sort regions
Hyper+~ Insert numbers

These additions bring to multiple-cursors functionality that exists in other Emacs packages such as CUA-rectangle-mode and thus makes it even more of a go to package for efficient text manipulation.

I’m still experimenting with it but so far I really like it. If you’re using the multiple-cursors package (and if you aren’t you really should be) you’ll get the new functions the next time you update but you’ll need to set key sequences for them. I like the ones that Sveen is using but, of course, you can choose your own.

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