Over that the Emacs reddit, arni_ca asks about key bindings for cursor movement. It’s not quite clear what he’s asking but the theme is moving the cursor without bindings like Ctrl+f, Ctrl+b,
Ctrl+n, and Ctrl+p.
As is often the case, all the juice is in the comments. It’s astounding how many different strategies people have for such movements. They range from everything to using the arrow keys to custom Elisp snippets. Take a look at the post to see if any of the ideas will work for you.
By now, you all know my answer to questions like this. I started with this epiphany from Steve Yegge: large scale navigation—more than a few characters or lines—should be made with search. It’s perfectly obvious but it occurs to few of us until someone points it out. The wonderful avy package refines this strategy and offers finer grained control of where the cursor ends up. Avy is probably my most used set of commands. I use them constantly as I write and edit. Following Karthinks, I’ve mostly pared my use down to avy-goto-char-timer
although I do sometimes still use avy-goto-word-1
. Regardless, if you aren’t already using Avy, you should take a look. It’s the backbone of my navigation.
The other navigation tool I use is an import from Vim: jump-char that lets you jump to the next or previous instance of a character. It’s incredibly useful and, again, I use it several times a day. If you use Avy and Jump-char, you will have most of your navigation needs met.