Cuckoo Search

The other day, in response to my The Power Of Elfeed post, RenĂ© Trappel wrote to me offline about his Elfeed package that enables content search. He calls his package “Cuckoo Search” for reasons you can discover at his Github repository.

By default, Elfeed doesn’t search the content of a post, just the metadata such as title, date, and tags. With Trappel’s package you can do finer searches. If you often want to do fine grained searches for posts that previously appeared in your feed, take a look at Trappel’s package.

I’ve always found the default search adequate but it’s easy to imagine needing the additional capability offered by Cuckoo Search. The package is not yet available in ELPA but Trappel gives a recipe for installing it directly from his Github repository. I’ll probably wait until it appears on ELPA to install it unless I find myself needing its capability in the mean time.

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