A Followup To Why You Can’t Use Emacs More

One of the odd things about writing Irreal is that I never know which posts will be popular or at least provoke some engagement. Often, posts that I think are really interesting receive no comments and posts that I suspect will be of marginal interest strike a chord with readers.

Yesterday’s post, Reasons You Can’t Use Emacs More, is an example of the latter. I wrote it mostly because I was enraged by the idea of people who don’t use editors telling people who do which editors they can use. I didn’t expect most people to care but there are, it seems, a lot of our colleagues suffering from that and they are, likewise, enraged.

Of course, they’re hackers and often find ways of bypassing the nannies. But not all the problems are caused by the nannies. Often, the issue is finding some way of a way of performing a necessary task with Emacs. This usually arises when the “normal” app for performing some task won’t interoperate with Emacs.

Serendipitously, I found this Emacs subreddit post by arni_ca asking what sort of tasks people perform with Emacs. That seems only marginally related to JTR’s problems from yesterday’s post but when you read through the comments you find lots of ways people have found to do things in Emacs even if it doesn’t seem possible at first glance.

It is, really, an encouraging post because it shows that it’s very often possible to find some way of importing an important task into Emacs. The real problem is discovering those methods. Posts like arni_ca’s help but that still means reading through a lot of blogs and reddit posts to find them. Sacha’s Emacs News is a good place to start. It provides a weekly review of interesting Emacs news and helps keep you up to date with minimal effort.

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