Every Irreal reader who’s paying even a little attention knows that this site is WordPress based. It’s been that way since 2011, and I’m pretty satisfied with it as a blogging platform. Still, it would be nice to have a bit more control and not have to suffer the occasional WordPress vagary.
The thing is, most of the static site solutions involve something like Hugo, which, as far as I know, is an excellent piece of software but is just another thing that I don’t have control over and doubtless comes with its own set of problems.
James Dyer is a Hugo user but, like me, would like to have a process that is completely Emacs centric. Therefore, he has been running an experiment in using Org-publish as the basis of his blog publishing workflow without depending on any external software. Right now, he’s considering this a backup to his Hugo-based system and his workflow includes importing the posts from the Hugo workflow to the Org-publish one. If the experiment is a success, he will be able to replace his Hugo workflow to one that is entirely Emacs based.
If you’re interested in having a static blog site, take a look at Dyer’s post for some good ideas for a starting point. Emacs really can handle the whole process as Dyer shows.