Charles Choi At EmacsConf 2024

If, like me, you’re a Charles Choi fan and like his Casual App Suite, you’ll be happy to know that he’s giving a talk at EmacsConf 2024. His talk is prerecorded but he will be available to answer questions and chat when the talk is shown.

His announcement gives the times of showing in various localities so take a look if you are interested in being there and chatting with Choi.

Choi imagines and discusses using transient menus as another user interface for Emacs. I don’t know what he envisions—perhaps we’ll find out from his talk—but for me the value of the Casual Suite is discovering or remembering little used commands. It’s excellent at that and I hope he continues to add new Casual apps but I have no interest in having it be the main UI for Emacs.

People who like that type of thing can use VS Code or another editor of that sort. Choi, who is a long term Emacs user, probably agrees with this and is just trying to provide a way of discovering and accessing those little used commands that are so hard to remember.

In any event, I’m looking forward to seeing his talk. I’m sure it will be interesting and informative.

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