Hy 1.0.0

Eight and a half years ago, I wrote about the Hy language and John Kitchin’s experiments with it [1, 2]. The TL;DR is that Hy lets you write in a Lisp-like language while having access to the power of Python. At the time, I really liked the idea but I doubted it would gain much traction.

That goes to show what I know. The Hy project has just announced the release of Hy 1.0.0. Hy, it seems, has some traction after all. I still doubt that it’s going to be anything but a niche language but for those of us who prefer writing in Lisp, it’s a great way of accessing all those batteries that come with Python.

The project has its own website complete with documentation if you want more information. As I said, I doubt that Hy will ever be anything but a niche language but if you prefer writing in Lisp, it’s a great way to access all the power of Python from a Lisp environment.

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