🥩 Red Meat Friday: More Red Meat For Emacsers

You can think of today’s post as a coda to last week’s Red Meat Friday. Unlike that post, this week’s offering isn’t really about the editor holy war. It’s about Emacs versus every other editor out there, which is a different thing.

As you know, I don’t really take sides in the Emacs/Vim debate. I think they offer different things to people with different needs. The rest of those editors though… Well, you all know my feelings about editors and their users who prioritize bling over efficiency: If your editor uses menus exclusively and you have to click to do anything then, sorry, your editor isn’t efficient.

Of course, none of that will matter because those editors are “modern” and Emacs is old and used only by boomers. Or something. Doubtless, some of those people will have the scales fall from their eyes and discover true editor efficiency. Sadly many others will never make that discovery and will end their days clicking on menus and using the arrow keys.

But this is, after all, Red Meat Friday so enjoy the red meat now because tomorrow we get back to serious stuff.

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