Casual Symbol Overlay

A couple of months ago, I wrote about Álvaro Ramírez’s gluing together of Symbol Overlay and Multiple Cursors. I was really taken with Symbol Overlay and its ability to select a given symbol for further actions. There are many possible operations and symbol-overlay lets you define your own commands for them. Of course, those commands are going to be hard to remember so it’s a perfect candidate for one of Charles Choi’s Casual apps.

Choi has, of course, stepped up to that challenge with Casual Symbol Overlay. As usual, it provides a Transient menu for those commands that you can invoke at will. You don’t, of course, have to use the menu. If you use a given command enough to remember it, you just use it but if you can’t remember the command, you can just invoke the menu and execute the command from there. It’s the best of both worlds.

At this point, I’ve just about decided to install Casual Suite so that I get all the Casual apps. You still have to configure them so they won’t be loaded unless you want them but Choi is making additions so often that it makes sense to reduce the friction of adding them. I don’t want them all but I do want a lot of them so it makes sense to add them all to my ELPA repository and configure the ones I actually want to be available.

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