Elfeed Org Links

As most of you know, I’m a huge fan of Elfeed and, of course, Org mode. I use Elfeed to read my feed and I do all my writing and note taking in Org mode. It’s natural, therefore, that I’d want a way of capturing Org links to the Elfeed content. You can sort of do that by killing the current content URL to the kill ring and then yanking the link into some other document. That works but it’s not as convenient as simply calling org-store-link and inserting the link with org-insert-link because the saved link doesn’t live in the kill ring and use using the Org functions will automatically format the links in Org format.

Jeremy Friesen decided to do something about this. He wrote a surprisingly simple function that allows you to call org-store-link directly from within Elfeed. The generated link will be to the target URL not the RSS entry so it’s ideal for generating a link to the actual content.

If you use Elfeed to collect and curate interesting content and often—or even sometimes—want to save a link to the content in an Org file, Friesen’s solution is just what you need. The post is short and the code is minimal so you should definitely take a look.

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