Magit 4.0

Jonas Bernoulli (Tarsius_) has just announced the release of Magit 4.0. The release, as he says, has been a long time coming: it’s been about 3 years since the last release. It’s great to hear about the new release and Bernoulli says that his goal is to make about 8 releases a year going forward. His announcement doesn’t list all the changes in the new release but you can take a look at the release notes if you’re interested.

Much of Bernoulli’s announcement discusses his plans for the future of Magit but he also mentions that he is a full time FOSS developer and community support is his only source of income. He says his income is about half of the median professional incomes in his area. That means two things for the rest of us:

  • We owe Bernoulli a huge debt of gratitude.
  • More importantly, we should try to support him as much as we can. For many of us, that probably means we are limited to occasional one time donations. Those all help, of course, but what he really needs is more significant, recurring corporate support. If you’re in a position to influence your company about this, please do.

Bernoulli has a list of several ways to support him at the end of his post. Take a look and please try to help him out if you can.

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