Moving To The Beg/End Of Structures

Over at the Emacs subreddit, justsellingmykeeb asks for the best way of moving to the beginning or end of various structures such as regions delimited by some sort of brace or HTML tag. I usually use Ctrl+Meta+f, Ctrl+Meta+b, and, when I remember, expand-region for this but those don’t always do exactly what I want.

There are a lot of good answers in the comments and they’re definitely worth reading if you have the same problem. These range from the simple like expand-region to the more complex like paredit. I like the simpler answers—even though I am a paredit user—because I’m terrible at remembering key shortcuts that I don’t use frequently. Maybe Charles Choi should consider a paredit porcelain.

Regardless of your proclivities, there’s probably a suggestion in the comments that will work for you. Take a look and see.

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