Emacs For Writing

There’s a great question and answers post over at the Emacs subreddit. The question, from lynnlei, asks how a prose writer who has been using Vim should approach moving to Emacs. This comes up a lot, of course, and it’s always the comments that provide value. I like reading them because I almost always learn something new about Emacs.

That’s certainly the case here: I learned about org-novelist, which will be the subject of an upcoming post even though, as I recently said, I don’t write novels. Even so, it has lots of capabilities to help with any long(ish) form writing.

The rest of the comments are interesting and helpful too. There’s no ankle biting or silliness so you might learn something useful for your own workflow.

A lot of the things we Emacers take for granted seem mysterious and marvelous to immigrants so posts like this are really useful to get new users oriented. They’re also useful to introduce oldtimers to Emacs features that they were previously unaware of.

Lynnlei said she wasn’t interested in Evil, even though she is coming from Vim, and that leads to some interesting discussions on packages that are probably best thought of as “evil-light”. Whether you’re coming from Vim are or an old-time Emacs user, there’s probably something worthwhile for you in this post. The comments are definitely worth perusing.

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