Query: Disqus Markup

Does anyone know what’s going on with Disqus markup? For as long as I’ve been using Disqus for Irreal’s commenting system, I’ve been able to respond to comments with text containing simple HTML markup such as <i>some text in Italics</i>, monospace text using <code> ... </code>, a link, or even a block quote. This worked whether I wrote the text directly in the browser buffer or, as I currently do, by using emacs-everywhere.

Lately I’ve noticed that instead of being applied, the markup just appears verbatim. That is, instead of italic text, I get <i>italic text</i>. I never used the buttons that Disqus provides for such markup and, of course, that’s impossible with Emacs-everywhere.

To my mind this is a step backward. If Disqus persists in this behavior I’ll probably just use the standard Org markup for everything except links. For those, I guess I’ll just have to specify the link in text. I don’t understand the point of all this. If anyone knows what’s going on—or better yet—how to fix it, please let me know.

Lots of people don’t like Disqus but I’ve found that it serves my needs well. I don’t understand why they’d remove a useful capability for no apparent reason. In any even if you start seeing my comments with Org markup, you’ll know why.

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