Those of you who have been around for a while will remember Sacha Chua’s video interviews with various Emacs luminaries. Those were before the birth of her daughter and as any parent will tell you, young children can gobble up whatever discretionary time you have so it’s little wonder she hasn’t done any interviews lately.
Sadly, she hasn’t reinstituted her interviews but she does this have this offering from Emanuel Berg with an interview of Daniel Semyonov. It’s not a video and it’s a bit shorter than Sacha’s old interviews but it’s still interesting.
Semyonov is a young programmer from a remote area without a lot of resources yet he was able to bootstrap his knowledge and has contributed to several open source projects. Most recently he has worked on the Gnus backend for Atom feeds.
One of the things I liked most about the interview was Semyonov’s discussion of how Emacs and learning Elisp kickstarted his programming in general and his open source contributions in particular.
It’s a short interview and worth a couple minutes of your time. Perhaps others will share their interviews with Sacha, and she with us.