OSX Dictionary Interface

Here’s something that may be of interest to those of you falling in the intersection of Emacs users and Mac heads. It’s an Emacs interface to the macOS dictionary app. What it does is give you access to the macOS dictionary from within Emacs. There are two commands:

  1. osx-dictionary-search-word-at-point
  2. osx-dictionary-search-input

that look up the word at point or any word that you input. In both cases, the results are displayed in an Emacs buffer (rather than popping up a separate Mac window with the definition). Take a look at the screen shot at the link to see what it looks like.

This almost seems like a no-brainer but my dictionary needs are more than adequately met and I don’t feel the need to install this. As I’ve written many times, I have access to the famed 1913 Webster dictionary (my latest method for accessing it is here) and for quick lookups I use abo-abo’s excellent define-word. Still, if you’re using a Mac and don’t otherwise have an acceptable way of accessing a dictionary from within Emacs, this seems like an excellent solution.

Emacs really does offer us an embarrassment of riches. If you need a dictionary, there’s not just one or two solutions but many.

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