Dired Async Mode

James Dyer has another useful Emacs discovery. His workflow often involves copying large files, which he does from Emacs using Dired. Even though he’s configured Emacs to use rsync for Dired copies, the transfer can still take some time and Emacs hangs while the copy is in progress..

It turns out that as of Emacs 29 there is a nice solution. You can set dired-async-mode to on and all the Dired operations will happen asynchronously. That includes things like renaming, which, of course, takes no time at all but it really matters mostly for copying.

There isn’t much to say about the post. It boils down to “if you do a lot of copying with Dired, then switch on dired-async-mode.” Check out Dyer’s post for the full story but, as I say, it’s a short story. Nevertheless, it’s a useful tip and well worth knowing about

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