Not A Text Editor

Here at Irreal, the minions and I are still decompressing from Christmas so this will be another short post. Troy Fletcher has a silly and lighthearted video on Emacs not being a text editor. The TL;DR is that Emacs is not (just) an editor but nearly everything else.

The video is an explication of all those other things. It’s not an editor, it’s an operating system. It’s not an editor, it’s a file management system. It’s not an editor, it’s an entertainment system… And on and on. Even though it’s a bit silly, it is a good rendition of many of the things that Emacs can do besides editing text.

The video is 28 minutes, 58 seconds long so there’s more to say than you might expect. The most distracting thing about it is that the inset of Fletcher is a split screen with two different views of him talking and gesticulating. I don’t know if that’s a normal part of his videos, a technical glitch, or another special piece of irony for the video.

In any event, if you have a half hour to kill, you might enjoy watching a video devoted to why Emacs is awesome.

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