A GTD Workflow

Gopar, over at the Goparism YouTube channel has posted a video on how he uses Emacs Org mode and Org Roam as his GTD framework. For those not familiar with GTD it’s a methodology developed by David Allen in his book Getting Things Done for organizing your tasks in such a way as to maximize your productivity.

Org mode is ideal for handling the mechanical aspects of the GTD program. A lot of the system involves mindset and processes but there is also a large component of recording and organizing tasks as well as making daily TODO lists. Org, of course, is seemingly custom built for those functions.

Gopar’s method depends mainly upon the agenda with some custom displays. Those are easy to setup as Gopar shows. He also uses the Org capture system to make it easy for him to add and schedule tasks.

The salient fact about his method is how easy it is Mostly it’s just a few added agenda commands and some capture templates. Although I don’t follow the GTD method and don’t know a lot about it, my agenda system is very similar to Gopar’s. That’s because Org makes it natural to organize things that way.

The video is 13 minutes, 49 seconds so you’ll need to schedule some time but how else are you going to spend the holidays?

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