
As many of you know, I’ve long been fascinated by those who can write LaTeX at speed. By “at speed” I mean, for example, being able to keep up with a math professor’s lecture in the classroom. It seems almost impossible but guys like Gilles Castel showed that it could be done. Castel did his work in Vim but, of course, the same thing can be done in Emacs as Karthink demonstrates.

Castel depended on the Vim equivalent of yasnippet. Karthink also used yasnippet but his main tool was CDLaTeX. Recently, I came across a post that suggested that laas was much more efficient than CDLaTeX. I haven’t tried it but looking at the builtin shortcuts, it seems like it would be very useful for entering LaTeX at speed.

If you, too, would like to take LaTeX notes in your classes or other real time situations, you should definitely take a look at laas. And, of course, you absolutely must read Castel’s and Karthink’s posts.

My days in the classroom are long over but I was trained as a mathematician and if I were back in school today, I would definitely want to be able to take my notes in LaTeX. As I say, it seems like an impossible dream but Castel and Karthink showed that it’s possible.

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