As I’ve written—seemingly hundreds of times—I’m a huge fan of Abelson and Sussman’s Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP). In my opinion, it is one of the best—arguably the best—books on Computer Science. I read it relatively late in my career (I was already a senior developer and team lead) and it completely changed the way I thought of our discipline. I learned many, many things that I didn’t know or only dimly understood before.
When I worked through SICP, I used Guile Scheme to play with the examples and work through the problems. That was good but Guile isn’t the Scheme described and used in SICP. That was a version of MIT Scheme. For those of you who want to work through SICP in the original Scheme, Racket has two collections that offer SICP Scheme and the picture language from the book.
I don’t know that this is a big thing: after all, the book isn’t really about Scheme: it’s about computer science and just happens to use Scheme for its examples. Still, a lot of the examples in SICP would be difficult with a non-LISP language and if you consider SICP an historical as well as a Computer Science work, you might enjoy using the original version of Scheme as you read through the book. Happily, Racket makes this possible.