
Over at Bob on Medical Device Software, Robert Nadler has a nifty post on his new package elfeed-curate. The idea is to select various articles in the elfeed feed list—possibly annotating them—and export them in a publishable format. Nadler uses it to publish a periodic summary of articles that he found useful or interesting on his blog. The post shows an example of the output as well as providing a link to an actual entry in his blog.

The basic workflow is simple and fast:

  1. Mark any Elfeed entries that you want to curate and add an annotation if necessary.
  2. Select the marked entries and export them with the elfeed-curate x key.
  3. Publish the exported content.
  4. If desired, tag the exported entries for later use.
  5. Remove the marks from the exported entries.

There’s a lot of information about configuring and using elfeed-curate at its GitHub repository so be sure to take a look at that if you’re interested in the package. The only dependencies for elfeed-curate are Org and Elfeed. It’s available on MELPA so it’s easy to install. If you’re looking for an easy way to curate entries from your feed, this package seems like just the thing.

UPDATE [2023-10-06 Fri 17:44]: Erik L. Arneson has started using elfeed-curate to compile a list of interesting links for his blog.

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