🥩 Red Meat Friday: Avoid Evil Mode

AltcoinShill has a silly but provocative post on why you should not use Evil mode. The TL;DR is that the default Emacs keybinding are essentially a pinky finger muscle building exercise and that the reason those keybindings were chosen was to help you exercise and build up your pinky. Therefore, using Evil mode short circuits this healthy regimen and should be avoided for health reasons.

It’s satire—if not flat out trolling—of course but there were plenty of commenters who took the post seriously and labored to point out the flaws in AltcoinShill’s argument. You’d think reddit readers would be a little more perspicacious but “kids today”.

There may or may not be reasons to avoid Evil mode but exercising your pinky probably isn’t one of them. In any event, it’s a funny and entertaining post: just perfect for ending your week.

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