Denis Kyashif has a nice post on how he uses the Org mode agenda to handle his task management. He has two main requirements:
- It should be easy to add tasks to his task list.
- It should be easy to read his task list and figure out what to do next.
He said that it took him a while to find a task management system that met those needs but like many of us, he settled on Emacs and Org mode.
The salient feature of Kyashif’s Org work flow is that the Org configuration is pretty much out of the box. He doesn’t have a lot a special configurations or special functions. He just uses Org and Org agenda in its default mode. It’s a nice example of how powerful and useful Org mode is for task management.
The real structure on his workflow comes not from Org or its configuration but from his self imposed restraints. He says, for example, that not everything needs to be on the task list. He keeps everything in a single file with each “project” having a top level heading. He tags those so that each sub heading will inherit it making search for the project tasks easy.
It’s a nice workflow and his post is worth reading if you’re searching for your own task management system.