Hurricane Alert

It’s late summer in Florida so of course the weather is getting dicey. The latest excitement is hurricane Idalia, which is currently about 200 miles West of Key West and forecast to move up the coast of Florida and come on shore a bit North of Tampa as a (probably Major) hurricane. That’s scheduled to begin tonight and continue into Wednesday morning.

Hurricanes are notoriously fickle so landfall could easily move a bit South to Tampa or further Northwest to the panhandle. As things stand now, the Irreal bunker will probably see tropical storm wind effects which, while not too bad, are enough for us to lose power. The real danger from hurricanes is flooding but, happily, the bunker is not in a flood zone.

If Irreal disappears for a day or two, don’t worry. We’ll be back as soon as Tampa Electric gets the power back up. Fortunately, we here in Florida are used to these things so the power company is really good at restoring power quickly.

Those of you who want to follow along at home can head over to the National Hurricane Center and monitor the storm with the latest information from the hurricane trackers.

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