Red Meat Friday: Why Vim?

This is Irreal rising in defense of Vim. That may seem strange for an Emacs-centric blog but I’ve always said Vim and Emacs are the two best editors and which one you choose depends on whether you want a lightweight, very fast editor or a Lisp Machine-like environment that provides an entire operating environment. I like them both and have spent many years with each of them.

What I don’t like are those who have never put in the effort to master either editor spouting off about how they’re old technology and only fools and graybeards use them instead of the ever-so-great, bling bedecked, hot editor of the day.

As a case in point, nabeelalihashmi over at the programming reddit asks if there’s any reason to use Vim (or Neovim) other than to look cool. Let’s give nabeelalihashmi the benefit of the doubt and take his question as a serious one (if you follow the link, he does have a poll on possible reasons). Even with that concession, note that the question stems from unacknowledged ignorance. If he’d bothered to learn Vim at a nontrivial level (or even watched a few videos) he’d know the answer. People who do know Vim well may still choose to use VSCode or whatever but at least their decision is an informed one and they can probably easily explain the reasons for their choice.

You can see all three types of users in the comments. There are those who use Vim and explain why they use it in preference to other editors. There are those who don’t use Vim and explain why it doesn’t work for them. Then there are the ignorant who think that those who use Vim do so because they’re foolish or deluded. That third set offers no reasons for their opinions. How can they? They know nothing about the matter.

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