Zamansky: Learning Elisp 2

Mike Zamansky has posted his second Learning Elisp video. In this episode, he briefy discusses defining variables, both global and local. The rules are a bit different from most other languages but still simple enough to understand easily.

In keeping with his taking things slowly, he doesn’t mention the closely related concept of closure but presumably that will come after he’s laid a bit more groundwork. If you have any experience at all with Elisp, nothing in this video will be new but it’s just what a n00b needs to get started.

He was originally going to include functions in this video but decided it would be too long so he decided to defer functions to the next video. Once that’s done, his plan is to move into the “interesting stuff” and show how to use Elisp to write interesting and useful functions.

The video is 11 minutes, 58 seconds long so plan accordingly.

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