A Notmuch Workflow

As most of you know, I’m a Mu/Mu4e user and have been very happy with it. It has, I think, the correct paradigm for handling stored email: everything goes into a single repository and emails are retrieved with its outstanding search capability. Stored messages are indexed so these searches are very fast. You can, of course, use the normal method of multiple mailboxes but why would you?

Another of Mu’s benefits is that it runs in Emacs. That’s a benefit that it shares with Notmuch a similar package that has excellent search and indexing too but also implements a tagging workflow.

Michał Sapka was tired of using Webmail because of its inflexability. He used Neomutt for a while but decided he’d like to fold his email into Emacs. He quickly settled on either Mu/Mu4e or Notmuch and—apparently randomly—chose Notmuch. That was a good choice for him because his workflow includes working with GitHub Pull Requests and he brilliantly leverages Notmuch’s tag system to automate it as much as possible. He goes into detail on how his workflow functions so be sure to take a look at his post.

Another nice thing about his post is that gives an excellent explanation on how to configure Mbsync. If you’ve been around Irreal for a while, you may remember that that was the thing I had the hardest time with when I moved to Mu4e. It’s definitely a worthwhile post if you want to move your email to Emacs.

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