The Other Shoe Drops

If you’re an inquisitive, rational person and haven’t been assimilated by one of the hive minds, you’ve always known deep down that COVID-19 resulted from a lab leak even if there was not yet any definitive evidence to prove that conclusion. If nothing else, you could tell from the furious dismissal of the notion by those who had the most to lose from that explanation. Once they floated the idea that the lab leak hypothesis was racist, it was all but certain that those pushing back were hiding something.

Now, it seems, the other shoe has dropped. Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, and Alex Gutentag have an article in Shellenberger’s Public substack that reports that “Patient 0” of the COVID-19 epidemic was Ben Hu a researcher at the Wuhan Institute of Virology who was working on—you guessed it—gain-of-function research.

Irreal has always felt and has often written that the best explanation for the lies and push back was given by Jamie Metzl who said,

“If the pandemic started as part of a lab leak, it had the potential to do to virology what Three Mile Island and Chernobyl did to nuclear science.”

Now it’s becoming clearer and clearer that a lab leak is exactly what happened. Virologists who resisted this conclusion will have a lot to answer for but not nearly as much as the outright liars in our government who deserve criminal prosecution for lying under oath and perhaps even for having a hand in unleashing this horror on the world. Matt Tiabbi has a separate article on the probable fallout of these revelations. Read both articles if only because so many people don’t want you to.

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