I just stumbled across a post by Fritz Grabo about his package elfeed-webkit. When I first saw it, I thought it was interesting and worth a look. After reading more about it, I knew I had to install it. That wasn’t entirely easy because I had to recompile my Emacs to support xwidgets
. But I liked the idea of the package enough to press on and add xwidgets
to my Emacs.
After that, it was simply a matter of installing elfeed-webkit from MELPA. When I toggled it on with Meta+x elfeed-webkit-toggle
all my elfeed results were rendered directly in the Elfeed buffer. Sometimes—for example, when I want to save a page for an Irreal post—I need to go to the browser and rerender the page. That’s simply done by pressing the v key.
You’re supposed to be able to toggle elfeed-webkit
on and off with a t after you configure it in your init.el
but I can only get it to toggle on, not off. Doubtless, I have some misconfiguration but that’s research for another day. You can also add a tag to individual feeds to turn it on but I haven’t tested that yet (I installed it just before I started this post).
So far, I really like this package. It (mostly) keeps me in Emacs and renders the pages perfectly. A comment in the original reddit post complained that Webkit was going to deluge my feeds with dozens of ads but I didn’t notice that with my admittedly limited testing. The nice thing is that you’re not really committed. It’s easy to turn it off or even uninstall it if you don’t like it. The worst that happens is that you end up with support of xwidgets
in your Emacs.