A Hopeless Addict

My name is jcs and I’m an addict. A hopeless addict. Yesterday, in my post about fixing mu4e’s new behavior of opening in full frame mode, I mentioned that upgrading to mu 1.10.3 broke Emacs to the point that it wouldn’t load. I was very uncomfortable until I got things working again.

Today (Sunday) is my day to update my Emacs packages. Afterwards, I always bounce Emacs to make sure there are no consistencies. For the second day in a row Emacs wouldn’t start correctly. This time, at least, Emacs started but it aborted reading init.el so none of my packages loaded and Emacs was essentially useless to me.

Even though the breakage was less severe than the first episode, my reaction was more violent. I didn’t hyperventilate, exactly, but I was upset and may have uttered some family-unfriendly words. It was then that I realized—to channel Olivia Newton-John—that I am hopelessly addicted1 to Emacs. When it breaks, all I can think of is “how am I going to get any work done?” That’s a little silly: although I’ve lost my edge, I can still use Vim or—in a pinch—even ed. Still, I feel helpless without Emacs and everything else stops while I figure out how to get it running again.

In short: I’m seriously addicted to Emacs. And I don’t want to kick the habit.



Devoted/Addicted: it’s all the same to us Emacs addicts.

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