Red Meat Friday: Gray on Gray

Over at the Emacs subreddit, Lalelul wants to know How can I fix hard to read (gray text on gray background) dialog boxe? As soon as I saw it, I deleted the browser tab but I was too late. The Minions had noticed.

They started jumping up and down and insisted that I provide the answer: “Don’t use unreadable dark themes.” Problem solved.

RMF humor aside, why would anyone do this? In a sense it doesn’t matter because the users of these themes are hurting no one but themselves but the Minions—and to tell the truth, I—don’t understand why anyone who isn’t a misanthrope would design a theme in which the menus are unreadable. Maybe it’s a way of encouraging users to eschew menus and learn Emacs key sequences.

One of the features of Emacs is that it enables ultra-efficient editing but when you design themes that are hard or impossible to read, you’re nullifying that efficiency. To channel Nancy Reagan, “Just say no.”

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