Tech Journalists Are The Worst

That headline is a cleaned up version of my original attempt. Irreal has a long history of documenting the silliness and failings of the Tech Press but even so I am always surprised at their cluelessness and dishonesty.

If there’s one thing sure to provoke their irrational ire it’s Apple. The latest example is the recent Apple program of offering interest on Apple Cash balances. As reported by Daring Fireball, Martin Peers wrote a really silly article bewailing how insecure it is to entrust bank account and other sensitive information to your iPhone.

Daring Fireball’s John Gruber decimates that argument. The TL;DR is that the loss of your iPhone alone does not mean financial doom: You have to lose both the phone and the device password. In fact, having that information on your phone is much secure than having it in your wallet, which makes all the information immediately available to the thief. Read Gruber’s post for the details.

Peer’s article puts me in mind of a previous Irreal post on supposed iPhone insecurity. The very best case that can be made for these clowns is that they’re ignorant but, sadly, the more likely explanation is dishonesty. Every sensible person understands that information on your phone is more secure than the same information in your wallet. To pretend otherwise can only be ascribed to dishonesty.

There are, I’m sure, plenty of reasons to dislike Apple but if you want to press that case, at least find an example that makes sense. Peers’ offering doesn’t stand scrutiny.

UPDATE [2023-04-23 Sun 14:12]: Rereading this post make me realize that it may seem that I’m accusing Peers directly of dishonesty. That is not my intent. I’m am merely pointing out that it’s hard to avoid the suspicion of bad faith in his argument against Apple.

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