Emacs Docs

Ghislain Vieilledent reminds us of a useful Website for Emacs documentation:

Even though I’m familiar with the site, I’ve never used it. That’s because I have all the documentation that it points to already bookmarked and I just automatically go to the appropriate bookmark when I need one of the manuals.

Still, I can understand how some folks would prefer a single site that links to the most used documentation. The site itself, emacsdocs.org, is easy to remember so you probably wouldn’t even need to bookmark it.

I have a set of cascading Doc menus on my Safari Favorites Bar that holds links to all the documentation that I use even occasionally. One of the submenus is for Emacs that contains links to all the Emacs documentation and cheat sheets. That works well for me but if you want a site with links to the most important Emacs related manuals, take a look at emacsdocs.org.

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